Posts Tagged “Post”

Gilbert Arenas wrote an op-ed in Tuesday’s Washington Post regarding his situation about gun violence. I found this interesting, because it is unusual to see someone so flamboyant as Gilbert Arenas use something so “mundane” as a newspaper to reach the public. People that know Gilbert Arenas know that he would be more likely to use the Internet or television to spread his remorse.

However, I do not think this op-ed was Arenas’ idea. I do believe that Arenas is sincerely sorry for what he did, but I’m sure his lawyer advised him to use the Washington Post to spread his apology. I also believe it wasn’t Arenas that wrote the op-ed; I think someone more mature wrote what sounded right, what needed to be written, and then put Arenas’ name at the top.

I’m sure Arenas is sorry that he is no longer a role model for children and that he has completely demolished his reputation as a D.C. celebrity. But he is probably equally sorry for losing the millions that his moronic decision cost him.

I understand the importance of teaching nonviolence to kids in today’s world. Guns and violence are serious problems, not joking matters — a lesson that’s been brought home to me over the past few weeks.

Really Gilbert? You didn’t know guns were dangerous and violent before this incident? He might be a goofball, but it shouldn’t take a goofball 28 years to learn that something that kills people is dangerous and violent.

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