As has been made public by every media outlet known to man, Tiger Woods held a press conference at 11 a.m. today. He called a press conference to apologize for cheating on his wife and kids, disappointing his friends and falling from grace as a role model to children across the world.

ESPN was gearing up for this press conference the moment they found out about on Wednesday. Ever since Tiger delivered his press conference today ESPN has spent all but about an hour devoted to Tiger Woods. I haven’t seen coverage over an event like this since 9/11. SportsCenter has been bombarded by coverage of the press conference, rehashing the same angle over and over again. There are other things going on in the sporting world than this press conference today. The Winter Olympics are still going on, MLB spring training has begun and over 30 NBA players have switched teams thanks to the trading deadline. But the sporting world has been taken hostage by one man and his 15 minute press conference.

4 Responses to “ESPN’s Incessant Tiger Coverage”
  1. victoriaa712 says:

    I agree that the Tiger coverage is a little over-done as well, especially with such events like the Winter Olympics occurring. Yes, he has many mistresses but what’s done is done and I think it is time that we should move on from this news so he can move on and re-build his personal life and career. Also, once he puts the past in the past I believe that America can move on to more important issues that will affect everyone as entertaining as his story is.

  2. scotthartman says:

    Couldn’t agree more – it is ridiculous how ESPN has basically turned into TMZ on this issue. I could see if they were focusing more on his golfing, his return, the impact it is having on his skills, and the game as we know it. However, they are doing so much overkill into the drama aspect of it. I was watching Baseball Tonight this evening and they did a “Tiger cut-in” – so ridiculous.

  3. monda says:

    I think they do this intense coverage for the ratings that they are getting. Tiger Woods is an athletic superstar and is so recognizable. Tiger Woods has created an image like the celebrities in Hollywood so he will be treated and covered like a Hollywood celebrity. People who are not fans of golf know who he is and this is just the next big story to cover but will slowly be forgotten when the next celebrity scandal happens. This short article below describes the viewer coverage that news sources like ESPN are getting with this story.

  4. dkois says:

    Maureen is right, of course. That’s why CNN and MSNBC covered the press conference too (ridiculously). 5/5.


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