Photo courtesy of Flickr user p i c a.

Two birch trees stand alone, yet together, battling the dark sky and the tormenting wind. The birch trees stand as a symbol to the havoc that the recent snowstorms across the U.S. have caused. A tiny, stripped bush stands next to one of the trees offering little resistance. Small mounds of snow scattered across the landscape illustrate how the wind can make almost anything temporary in its place. The birch trees seem to be reaching out to connect to each other, to hold on and stay rooted in their home. Many trees sit in the background huddled together for warmth and support, while the bare birch trees stand alone. In the distance, to the right, tall trees can be seen standing straight indicating that the wind will soon quit.

The thin clouds above are drifting away, possibly indicating that the storm will subside soon. With the end of the storm in sight, the trees must hold on just a little while longer for everything to return to normal.

One Response to “Description”
  1. dkois says:

    Very poetic! But be careful about reading too much into photos. Make sure you describe only what you can see, not how it makes you feel — so trees, for example, can’t huddle together for warmth. Good details. 4/5.


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