Looking at that headline you’re probably thinking “What!!!?!!” It’s not a mistake. Joshua Tabor, 27, tortured and bruised his daughter because she refused to recite the alphabet. Tabor’s excuse for waterboarding his daughter was because he was “frustrated” and he felt she was “behind mentally for where she should be for her age.”

I’ve seen some crazy stories in the media but never have I seen something like this. Obviously there is no justifiable reason for a father to do this to his flesh and blood. Tabor should be punished with the harshest punishment due to his unforgivable actions.

3 Responses to “Former Sergeant Waterboards 4-year-old Daughter”
  1. smassa1 says:

    While I was reading this article through the link you provided, I was so disturbed. How can a father torture his own daughter, let alone any other human being? It is so disgusting that this is what our society is coming down to these days. Since his daughter was only 4-years-old she was not able to defend herself or protect herself and this is so sad to me. I feel very strongly that Joshua Tabor should be punished with the greatest punishment because of his cruel and harmful actions toward his very young daughter. Our society needs to start doing something about child abuse so these horrible incidents can stop occurring.

  2. dkois says:

    This story is totally bananas, obviously. But in these blog posts I would like you to talk more about the coverage, not just the story itself. How did the media treat this story? How were these news articles written?

  3. lauren822 says:

    Wow what a crazy story. What surprised me the most is that the little girl was only 4 years old….. How could anyone, especially her own father hurt a child in this way? It’s unbelievable what kind of scary people are out there.


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